229 Tage
16.09. - 19.09.2025
Dauer: 4 Tage
Potsdam, Deutschland
Universität Potsdam am Campus III - Griebnitzsee

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Advanced Methods for the Solution of Engineering Problems / AMSEP

Raum 10 (TBA)

14:00 - 18:00

Mittwoch, 17.09.2025

The workshop "Advanced Methods for the Solution of Engineering Problems" focuses on advanced computational techniques such as numerical methods, optimization algorithms and machine learning approaches and their efficient application to mechanical and civil engineering, medical engineering and related disciplines.
New numerical methods and close interdisciplinarity with computer science play a crucial role in modern engineering and become more and more important in view of digitalization processes entering all fields of manufacturing, logistics and product lifetime. Novel strategies such as big data analysis, machine learning and multiscale simulations are opening new horizons based on rigorous analytic investigations. While neural networks prove to be suitable for many applications, alternative approaches such as Kolmogorov-Arnold networks and transformer architectures emerge as further powerful and efficient options.
Numerical simulations are moreover complemented by experimental investigations yielding data necessary for the validation and calibration of models developed.
Discussions will include mathematical fundamentals, case studies, state-of-the-art methods and practical and industrial applications. The workshop is designed for researchers and practitioners and emphasizes interdisciplinary openness and collaboration between computer science, engineering, physics and mathematics.

Workshop Kategorie